Our Location MekongView 1 is located within the development hotspot of Chroy Changvar.

Tonle Sap

The premium peninsular, which sits across the Tonle Sap from the capital’s riverside, is currently at the centre of huge development as a designated Upcoming OCIC City of the Future.


Plans include introducing vast commercial hubs, business zones and living and working areas.


Sitting just a short 10 minute drive from the city centre, Chroy Changvar offers a tranquil escape from the throng of central Phnom Penh, while still remaining accessible.


Improved infrastructure, such as the opening of a second bridge and the on-going widening of the national road, has led to property prices almost doubling during the last year.


As has ongoing revamping of the area, including remodelling the stretch of riverside that runs from the new high-end Sokha Hotel to the Japanese-Cambodia Friendship Bridge.

Future Plans

To introduce a boat service to connect the two sides of the river are currently being mooted, as are a number of satellite cities that will transform the area and continue to push prices higher.